Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
How would you respond to this defense made on behalf of The Watchtower's Child Abuse lawsuits?
by adjusted knowledge indetails of the society's child abuse policies have been published in jehovah's witnesses' publications, although more specific guidelines are only made available to elders, or on request.
press releases issued by the watch tower society's office of public information confirm that if a person accused of molestation repeatedly denies the charges of his victim, and there is no other witness to the incident, "the elders cannot take action within the congregation at that time", but would report to authorities if required by local laws.
our families jehovahs witnesses and child protection.
Brokeback Watchtower
Pretty fucking lame defense because you didn't say shit your appeal would only work on complete ass holes like yourself you fucking wind bag. You insult the intelligence of your public listeners with all the stupid shit that comes out of your mouth because you expect them to believe you. -
Questions to ask after July broadcast
by scooterspank injust wondering what questions you might ask an active jw following the july broadcast and the 10 minutes addressing child sex abuse?
or is it even worth the trouble.
Brokeback Watchtower
Do you AM#3 even feel there is a chance you are in a deep state of denial as to the suffering the Corporation is causing young people?
How does it feel to have so many child molestation lawsuits on the books with the possibility of many more future ones?
Do you think the courts are a tool of Satan perhaps getting revenge for your destruction of his plastic wizard warlock Sparlock?
And can we have some more kiddie video featuring a final battle with Sparlock the warrior wizard being vaporized by Jehovah?
And when is Lett's turn to give another rubber mouth rendition of something insane?
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Brokeback Watchtower
We can't even hope for an apology for the victims that have suffered because of this self right bastard that thinks he's running God's earthly organization, the best that he can give out are a few pats on the back for his corporation. These guys are in big trouble with this big mouth on the internet he's like a bull in a china shop with his remarks it is gonna cost lots of buck$$$ every time he speaks his foolishness that only a brain dead JW could love. -
What Can Circuit Overseers Who Come To Know The Truth About The Truth Do To Cripple The Delusional Watchtower Corporation?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwell it is only natural to assume that a modest number of cos&wives, bethelites, and other people are becoming enlightened shall we say as to the real sinister nature of these sociopaths called the faithful and discreet governing body slave bull shit artist.. so what besides making secret documents public can these do to get some type of satisfactional revenge for being used by them in such a cruel way or like a smuck who they don't even give one shit about.
what can these ladies and men do?
how can they get some form of pay back for all the years they wasted slaving for these no good greedy bastards called the governing fucking body?
Brokeback Watchtower
One important fact is that there is often a big disconnect between what is wrong and what is illegal. If something is not against any laws there is precious little a person can do about it using the legal system.
I agree with you there.
My thoughts are that laws are changing or adapting to the increased attention certain wrongs that frauds like the Watchtower corporation use to inflict harm and get away with it.
or new laws for charities to follow to be legally considered a charity.
Laws prohibiting the using of a vow of poverty to avoid paying for labor without any kind of reasonable compensation for services rendered used by a charitable organization would go against some moral disgust that eventually makes some type of compensation law that would render such activity illegal and force some type of more fairer treatment of people who sign their live away to a corporation.
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think AM#3 opening his big mouth on the child molestation issue will bring more lawsuits because as people who have been molested and perhaps didn't sue the corporation will hear this lying son of a bitch praise his corporation on the way they are handling these matter and decide to get a lawyer and sue and what better lawyer can their be then those that already have shown themselves capable to meet the challenge.
I think business will be booming for these guys they will have to hire more people to handle the work load because a virtual gold mine has been found.
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Brokeback Watchtower
I hope they keep making more videos about children especially those that manifest the phobia's they implant in these young ones because these guys are hanging themselves for the world to see. I'm sure these videos might even wind up in court someday to testify about the unhealthy content this corporation is feeding these kids for it's own profit$$$$.
Sparlock the wizard toy we love you! Please more Sparlock phobia sequels! Will he come back from the trash can and back into that little boy Calebs life? Or will it be my mommy made sure he was dead and so she burnt him.
O and lets not forget the Governing Body's inspired video that gives a dire warning to deaf people that they should not fondle their own bodily organs lest Corporate Jehovah get all disgusted and decide to kill you at armageddon.
Any video they make will only convince the brain dead JW but in a court of laws or the general public they are hanging themselves by putting out this garbage out to the public keep them coming please
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Brokeback Watchtower
I hope AM#3 gets his day in court like Loesch did but instead fell on his face almost at the finish line, when it came his time to give a Witness. Maybe AM#3 might be the next candidate since he is the most vocal GB on record to speak to the public about this issue and stated denial of any blame but instead gave it high honors and a big high 5 as far as being concerned with child safety.
I'm betting Zalkin is probably setting his sights on this dude in some future subpoena to show the courts the level of denial these delusional prophets to the world are in and thus get an higher dollar amount in any one of his many lawsuits he has against this cultic corporation.
I'm betting that AM#3 is in such a state of denial that he is going against what legal is telling him and speaking publicly anyway and so legal scrambled up something right away to at least limit this maniac's damage.
I think AM#3 has totally lost it for speaking out like this with so many lawsuits pending and this broadcast will bite him in the ass big time right there in his Ivory Tower/GB domicile. The only people AM#3 can convince are his brain dead true blue followers, but in a court of law he's a total flop of bull shit. And since he has gone all public with his BS he will not be able to dodge the subpoena bullet when it's fired at him. He's a paranoid ego maniac with a Satanophobia, he will become a world wide idiot now that he's gone public. Yeah! Let him shoot his bull shit more and more because the world has got to see what a creepy dumb son of a bitch this AM#3 really is. I'm thinking more and more we are in for a mass withdrawal of support for the criminal Watchtower Corporation as this plays itself out in the near future.
Royal Commission into Institutional Child abuse in Australia.
by zeb inpublic hearing into the jehovahs witnesses .
22 june, 2015 the royal commission will hold a public hearing in sydney commencing on 27 july 2015 at 10:00am.. the scope and purpose of the public hearing is to inquire into:.
1. the experience of survivors of child sexual abuse within the jehovahs witnesses church in australia.. 2. the responses of the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd to allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse within the church.. 3. the systems, policies and procedures in place within the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd for raising and responding to allegations of or concerns about child sexual abuse within the church.. 4. the systems, policies and procedures in place within the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd to prevent child sexual abuse within the church.. 5. any related matters.
Brokeback Watchtower
Also I hope that they bring out how if you disagree with procedures or what the Corporation is saying you can be brought before a judicial committee and disfellowshipped unless your repent and fall back in line with procedures.
This can give them the extent of their abuse in power over people to trap them into conformity. A beneficial charity they are not but instead they are a monster in sheep's clothing.
Today's watchtower a special kind of rubbish
by freemindfade inthe wt today was horrific.
i was jumping out of my skin.
the writing department has hot to have some lose cannons writing.
Brokeback Watchtower
The Governing Body is suffering from Satanophobia:
When one thinks of satan, we immediately visualize a scary and dark image of a person cooking in fire, with horns, spiky tail, carrying a spear or trident, who looms of darkness and possesses and evil laugh or grin. For kids especially, this image is extremely scary and this fear as a child could be instilled and may manifest in adults as satanophobia or the extreme fear of satan.
This fear could be also associated with the fear of demons, and the fear of hell. These people are scared of burning in hell for all eternity and being tortured by the demons and being in anguish forever in hell and being tormented by satan. People with this fear usually have very strong religious backgrounds thus they would do anything to do what is right so that they don’t have to suffer an eternity in hell but have an afterlife in the midst of the angels in heaven instead.
These people are usually scared of committing sin and will go to frequent confessions. They will do everything not to think of satan and will be in a state of constant prayer.
Treatment includes cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy. Talking with a priest or pastor may also help the phobic person but most like exacerbate or make it worse depending what kind of bull shit they are battling with and why they chose their profession in the first place .And an example of Satanophobia:
hat is one of Satan's biggest Fears?
Since early days, Satan has been the subject of myths, fables and stories or seen as a diabolical entity found in the pages of the Bible and other holy books. Who is this person and does he really exist? If he exists does he fear anything? I will try to answer a few questions here, but the topic of Satan is too large for one entry on this website. I have added more topics of Satan and created a section dedicated to the exposure of this person.
For now I will address what I believe is one of the greatest secrets of Satan and will endeavor to expose his fear...
Imagine, if you will, you had an enemy so cunning and deceptive that his best defense was the concealment that he is your most ardent foe? With this defense, he would be able to move freely around you without disclosing his true intentions which is to hurt or destroy you when the time is right.
Let's take this one step further, lets suppose that your enemy was able to convince you that he was not your enemy even though others said he was, and he was also able to convince you that the notion that he was your foe is totally ludicrous. If your enemy was successful in getting you to believe these lies, I would say that you are in dire danger, wouldn't you?
The underlying truth here is in order to deceive you an enemy must make you to believe they do not exist.
This is exactly the battle field tactics Satan uses on Mankind. First, he doesn't want you to believe he even exists and with this premise he is free to move inconspicuously around Mankind and plan the destruction of you and me. After all, if he doesn't exist, why worry about him?
Satan's first and most deceitful strategy is the notion that "Satan doesn't exist". If this lie of Satan fails, then we are now able to know and expose Satan's phobia.
One of Satan's fears is the knowledge that you understand and realize that Satan exists and with this knowledge learn more about Satan's Tactics and plans against you and your loved ones. Knowing who Satan is and how he works, weakens his abilities to damage our lives... and be not fooled, damage and destruction are his full intentions for your life.
By learning about Satan, you will become one less victim of his deceptive plans. But, this is NOT Satan's phobia.
Satan has one all consuming obsession and his obsessive plan is to implement vengeance against God for casting Satan out of Heaven and inescapable destruction. Since Satan cannot destroy God, he is directing his wrath toward God's creation, you and I. We are simply pawns on Satan's hellish game board and if we do not believe we are in a war, we lose, he wins.
By realizing Satan exists, we are thwarting his attempts at destroying Mankind and undermining his ultimate plans, to destroy the creation of a loving and caring God.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Pe 5:8)Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Pe 5:8) Satan is a topic that has filled pages of numerous books for many years... For many Satan doesn't exist and for the most part is only an icon of evil.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Pe 5:8)Remember, we are living in a Fallen State where sin has been imputed upon us all and we all must make a decision to alter our course and turn to God for pardon. God offers pardon to all in the form of a man called Jesus. Jesus was born and died a substitute payment for our sins and offers us eternal life through Him.
God has made provision through his son Jesus and all we have to do is accept God's free gift... and it is a free gift, because we do not have to earn it, we simply have to accept forgiveness and salvation from God.
Remember, Satan doesn't want you to know he exists and the last thing Satan wants is that you receive Jesus as your personal Savior. He knows that at this point, he has failed in his attempt to destroy you... but he also knows that there are many others who still do not believe he exists and Satan continues to mislead non-believers with expectations and hope that they will not awake from his deceit and lies.
What Can Circuit Overseers Who Come To Know The Truth About The Truth Do To Cripple The Delusional Watchtower Corporation?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwell it is only natural to assume that a modest number of cos&wives, bethelites, and other people are becoming enlightened shall we say as to the real sinister nature of these sociopaths called the faithful and discreet governing body slave bull shit artist.. so what besides making secret documents public can these do to get some type of satisfactional revenge for being used by them in such a cruel way or like a smuck who they don't even give one shit about.
what can these ladies and men do?
how can they get some form of pay back for all the years they wasted slaving for these no good greedy bastards called the governing fucking body?
Brokeback Watchtower
I have no legal theory? I don't know law do you?